Hosting Options

Two hosting options are available:

Client Hosting

Client hosting allows you to host both the InfraTrack API and InfraTrack Portal application on your internal network. This is usually the choice for large organizations who are concerned about security and data transfer to and from remote locations

Advantages of Client Hosting:

The client is fully responsible and in charge with network security surrounding the application.
The client is the full owner and manager of all components of the application
Data Transfer:
Data will not leave your private network and transfers can be sized according to available network bandwidth
All nodes and application components are in the same environment and running on client approved hardware
Audit and Compliance:
Given full ownership, the client will have access to audit logs and raw application data

Disadvantages of Client Hosting:

The client is fully responsible and liable for setting up, maintaining and monitoring network security.
The client will need to purchase or allocate all necessary resources for application
The client is responsible for testing, developing and maintaining the application and underlying hardware and operating system. The client is also responsible for system and application updates
The client is responsible for developing and maintaining all custom and proprietary code and perform debugging on newly developed modules

Contact Us for pricing and licensing details.

Software as a Service (SAS) Hosting

Software as a service hosting provides a hassle free solution for all clients regardless of size. This also provides the ability to customize your Portal interface while having the data hosted at a remote location.

Advantages of Software as a Service Hosting:

No need for additional hardware, load balancing and system resources for the API
No need to invest in security while maintaining compliance.
API management is our responsibility and we will maintain a up to date and secure environment

Disadvantages of Software as a Service Hosting:

Access to Raw data:
Raw data is not directly available to you but can be downloaded via API calls
Audit and Compliance:
Audit logs are not directly available to you, but can be requested

Cost of ownership for Software as a Service Hosting:

Use the below chart to generate an estimated quote for one year of services: